Turning FACT Inside Out focuses on some of the most pressing, controversial
and literally ground-breaking political issues of today.
The main work in the exhibition is called Fracking Futures by French
artists HeHe, it is a miniaturised recreation of a Fracking site complete
with fire, earth tremors, gas and a giant infected water pool in the shape
of Shell's logo.
It's designed to encourage a conversation about the risks and problems
associated with Fracking and fossil fuels.
There's loads of information on their website at www.fact.co.uk/tfio.
Turning FACT Inside Out
13 June - 15 September
This summer at FACT, a selection of provocative
international artists tackle some of the most
pressing, controversial and literally ground-breaking
political issues of today.
As FACT celebrates the first decade of its building
as one of the UK's primary centres for new media art,
it has commissioned an artists' take over, featuring
bold, new or never before seen in the UK works
from emerging and established artists, including
HeHe, Nina Edge, Katarzyna Krakowiak,
Steve Lambert, Manifest.AR, and Uncoded Collective.
FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) 88 Wood Street Liverpool, L1 4DQ *FACT - Bringing people, art and * *technology together since 2003*
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