'You can be sure of-' 'Ssh!' (RFH, 1.10.13)

...responses to Shell Out Sounds' RFH visit range from applause to apoplexy

To mark the opening of the 2013-14 Shell Classic International season on the South Bank - Shell Out Sounds serenaded concert-goers on Tuesday October 1st with a jaunty performance of 'You can be sure of Shell', based on an original Shell jingle from the 1950s, (seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IdhOXh_g7s)

One or two punters took it upon themselves to insist that we banish ourselves from this temple of culture, ('we know Shell is responsible for murder and mayhem, but this isn't the time and place to raise these issues', being a summary of one view). However, others applauded and wished us well, while one or two expressed surprise that Shell has such a record, and promised to look into it in more detail.

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Here are a couple of short films from the night:



The interval performance was mentioned briefly here: 


'This all-Beethoven concert was the first of the Shell Classic International 2013/14 season, a fact that resulted in a little interval bonus when we were serenaded in the foyer by a melodious vocal ensemble of protesters against Shell sponsorship of the arts.' 

More on Shell Classic Int'l: http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/sites/default/files/documents/21852_sc…

Here's the leaflet from the night:


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