Displaying 28 - 30 of 165
By: Art Not Oil
Date: Wed, 26/01/2022 - 11:01am

From https://www.smartcompany.com.au/series/climate-change/sponsorships-tenn…

'Are fossil fuel sponsorships the new cigarettes? Dismayed former Wallabies player David Pocock made the claim after Santos inked

By: Art Not Oil
Date: Mon, 15/11/2021 - 1:32pm

From our friends at BP or not BP:

'Today, at 11.30am, we began a surprise musical protest outside Glasgow’s Theatre Royal to challenge BP’s sponsorship of the Scottish Ballet. Around 50 performers and supporters took part in an action led jointly by BP or not

By: Art Not Oil
Date: Fri, 29/10/2021 - 12:01pm

From our friends at Culture Unstained (2.10.21):

'- Former Science Museum director and respected climate scientist quits Advisory Board over museum’s ‘willingness to accept oil and gas sponsorship’

- Move marks significant shift in position by Professor Rapley, who oversaw and defended a major Shell sponsorship deal while at the helm of the museum 

- Resignation comes